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The Center for Psychological Astrology:

Liz Greene & Friends

Whatever you think of it, Astro-Psychology is one of the great astrological innovations of the late 20th century. Liz Greene (along with the late Howard Sasportas) is one of the leaders in the field. She is a Jungian analyst who believes the soul of astrology is in Greek myth. Uncover the myth, see the true astrology revealed. The resulting mythical astrology is then applied psychologically. It should be pointed out, however, that classical scholar Robert Schmidt, of Project Hindsight, has yet to turn up any link between Grecian astrology & Grecian mythology.

Greene holds a D.F. Astrol.S., from the Faculty of Astrological Studies, and a Dip. Analyt. Psych., from the Association of Jungian Analysts, both in London. I have yet to discover where her Ph.D. came from. Greene talks about herself in the February/March 2002 issue of The Mountain Astrologer, in an interview with Nick Campion. From the interview, we can surmise her Ph.D. in Psychology was awarded around 1972 from an American university. Shortly thereafter she arrived in London & has lived abroad ever since. See her bio at CPA Faculty Bios.

Special note on CPA Press titles: Up to 2001, books published by the Centre for Psychological Astrology (Liz Greene's London publishers) were not distributed in the US (there are now several available, see below). You can get the unavailable books directly from Midheaven Books in London, or from CPA itself. You'll find their emails & addresses at the Metalog Astrology Yellow Pages.

THE DARK OF THE SOUL: Psychopathology in the Horoscope - Liz Greene, $30.00
Contents: Part 1: The Psychopath: Introduction: A rose by any other name; Illness or personality disorder?; The ineffectuality of therapy; The clinical picture: Charm; Grandiose sense of self-worth; Low-boredom threshold; Pathological lying; Conning; Lack of remorse; Lack of empathy; Parasitic lifestyle; Lack of self-control; Lack of relatedness; Failure to accept responsibility; Will the real psychopath please stand up?; Psychopathy & the infant personality; Was He or Wasn't He: The "Oklahoma Bomber": The compensation of inflation; The Uranus-Pluto generation; The role of the moon in psychopathy; The moon & Neptune; The moon & Uranus; The moon & Pluto; Lack of self; The dilemma of evil; McVeigh's triggering transits; Murder as a Symbol: The Head of "The Family": Mars-Neptune & cruelty; The moon in the 10th house: identification with the mother; The symbolism of the crime; Venus as chart ruler; The loneliness of Saturn in the 11th house; The Suffering of the Soul: The moon & Chiron; The moon & Saturn; The psychopath in myth; The Psychopath as Leader: Slobodan Milosevic & the Chiron-Pluto cycle; The Healer as Destroyer: The talented Dr. Mengele; Mars-Saturn & humiliation; The irreconcilable split; The moon in the 4th: Identification with the homeland; Pluto in the 12th: The ancestral survival instinct; The Moors Murderess: Mars-Chiron-Pluto in the 4th: Father as destroyer; Benign sun-moon aspects; Sun-moon conjunctions; What Makes the Difference?: A creative Mars-Chiron; The Venus factor; Tight aspects; Accepting limits; The isolation of moon-Saturn; What lies beneath;
Part 2: Sanity & Madness: All the World's Mad but Me & Thee: Psychiatry's split; Madness Through the Centuries: The punishment of the gods; Greek humours; Medieval Christian madness; The discovery of the unconscious; Modern definitions of madness; Designer labels; The Madness of Dionysus: The denial of the irrational; The divine inebriate; Madness & the artist; The Madness of Aphrodite: The astrology of erotomania; Aphrodite's madness as a delusional system; The family scapegoat; Personal & archetypal roots of madness; The Madness of Hera: Social structure as an archetypal pattern; The terror of the hunted; Hera's justice; Hera & feminism; The Madness of Artemis: Revenge against hubris; The sting of the scorpion; The Madness of Uranus: Uranus & the psychopath; When the collective goes mad; Michael Jackson: obsession with perfection; The Madness of the Erinyes: Fear of the dark; Post-natal depression; The Madness of Saturn: Howard Hughes: in the grip of Saturn's madness; The phobic tyrant; Obsessive-compulsive neurosis; The Madness of Zeus: Toppling from heaven; "Milligoon"; The introverted extrovert; Madness & the Ego: The damaged or unformed ego; Is there a choice?; Phobias: Animals as symbols of psychic energies; The manifestation of a complex; Madness externalized in relationship; The Suffering of the Schizophrenic: A grand water trine: over the hills & far away; Moon-Saturn & the perception of rejection; The world of the unborn; Madness & marital rage; Choosing to be born; Breakdowns & Breakthroughs: Astrological timing; Breaking through; Breakdowns & the Saturn cycle; The moon in the 8th house: communications from the deep;
Part 3: The Scapegoat: Introduction; The Myth of the Scapegoat: The goat who escapes; The royal scapegoat; The maimed scapegoat; The foreign scapegoat; The scapegoat with magical powers; The mad scapegoat; The outlaw scapegoat; The universality of the scapegoat pattern; An interlude for discussion; Will the real scapegoat please stand up?; The Scapegoat as a Psychological Complex: The persecutor & the victim; The family scapegoat; The redeemer-victim; The Astrology of the Scapegoat: Will the real persecutor please stand up?; The exiled goat; The nationalist firebrand; Sun-Saturn: the inner judge; Saturn-Uranus & ideological fanaticism; Moon-Chiron-Pluto: family secrets & racial memories; Venus-Neptune & the quest for perfect beauty; Religious conflict & the scapegoat; Planetary indications of collective scapegoating; The Religious Leader as Scapegoat: Chiron & the wounded pharmakon; Moon-Neptune & the victim; The life of David Koresh; Sun-Jupiter: the scapegoat as religious prophet; The 10th & 11th houses & the great "They"; The scapegoat & the Capricorn goat; The scapegoat & the water houses; The Importance of Consciousness: Working with the complex; Paranoia & the exiled goat; Pluto & the exiled goat; The Great American Witch-Hunt: The farm boy from Wisconsin; The usual planetary suspects; Transits that trigger the complex; A question of choice; The Parent as Scapegoat & Persecutor: Inherited patterns of abuse; The father's legacy; The role of Mars in child abuse; Parental dichotomies; The mother's legacy; Planetary opposites; Repetition compulsion; The flight into the spirit; A Chart From the Group: Debbie: the anticipation of punishment; Moon-Pluto: the depressed mother; The scapegoat & the helper.

Part 1, The Psychopath, was a seminar given on July 1, 2001, at Regents College, London. Part 2, Sanity & Madness, was a seminar given on June 25, 2000, at Regents College, London. Part 3, The Scapegoat, was a seminar given on April 26, 1999, at Regents College, London. Regents College is located near the Baker Street tube station.

Comments: Charts discussed in this book include Timothy McVeigh, Charles Mansion, David Koresh, Slobodan Milosevic, Josef Mengele & others. It would appear from the extended table of contents (above) that Liz Greene believes aspects from the moon to the outer planets produce deranged maniacs & mass murderers. Makes no difference if the orbs are a bit wide or if the planets fall in succedent or cadent houses. These aspects are deadly. Greene's problem is that Moon-Pluto, Moon-Neptune, Moon-Uranus, Moon-Saturn aspects are not uncommon. Greene's problem, over & over again, is that no sooner does she state her general thesis than a timid hand rises from the audience & asks, "I have that. Does this mean I'm going to become deranged?" Greene has no astrological answer, for the simple reason that Liz Greene has never learned how to read an astrological chart. If she had, she could show how the many, various pieces of the chart come together to produce the monster in question, how the problem was, in fact, unique to this specific native. To use her first example, for Tim McVeigh:

Greene gives McVeigh's data as April 23, 1968, 5:24 am, Pendleton, NY. Set it up & follow along:

Greene says the problems in this chart, what created the monster McVeigh, was his Moon-Pluto opposition (4 degrees applying), his Moon-Uranus opposition (9 degrees, applying), his Moon-Neptune trine (9 degrees, applying), and his Venus-Saturn conjunction (13 minutes, separating). The Moon is in the 12th, the Uranus/Pluto conjunction in the 6th, Neptune 23 degrees above the descendant in the 7th, Venus/Saturn in 12th. Where's the angularity? How do you get mass murder from lunar aspects with such wide orbs?

Look again at McVeigh's chart. See how his ascendant is tightly bracketed by Sun & Mercury? This gives him a sharp eye on the materialistic (eg, Taurus) side of the world. Note the debilitated Mars in the 1st. Note the chart ruler, Venus, debilitated in Aries, note, too, that it is in mutual reception with the debilitated Mars. This mutual reception binds not only the two planets (which are the final dispositors in the chart), but also the affairs of the two houses. From first to twelfth is alpha to omega, beginning to end, birth to death, debilitated & final dispositors. "Final Dispositors" means the affairs of the ten other houses all eventually end up in the pit of the 12th & 1st. This alone is the signature of a fanatic. (Do you have this in your chart? Let me see your hands.) Note the Moon in Pisces. The Moon in Pisces does not know what to feel. External stimulus - every one else's feelings - wash uncontrollably over it. It has no idea what it should feel nor how it should react. Can we, as observers, see this? No, we cannot. The Moon in the 12th keeps its feelings to itself. Like as not with the Moon in Pisces as well, McVeigh had no idea what his own feelings were. If there was any residual sympathy, the Venus-Saturn conjunction slammed the door on it. Greene says McVeigh felt no remorse but is unable to find the astrological reasons why, for she cannot even read his Moon.

We turn now to that extraordinary Venus-Saturn conjunction. There are some who are cursed at birth. McVeigh was one such. Not only is Venus debilitated in Aries, so is Saturn. The world hates him. It gives him no love, it rejects what little he can give. He sees it, every day, in everyone he meets, even in everyone he passes casually in the street. He must, for his Sun-Mercury eyes tell him so. Is he proud of his appearance? Probably not. A debilitated Venus for a chart ruler, with a debilitated Saturn sitting on top of it either makes him ugly or convinces him that he is ugly. Despite whatever efforts he may have made, the world was both very vivid (the eyes) and completely closed to him (Venus/Saturn). Put a fanatic like this under stress & he will blow. Is my analysis 20/20 hindsight? Of course. No one would dare draw these conclusions, chart fresh in hand, 20 minutes after McVeigh's birth. But people with extraordinary charts, like McVeigh, give plenty of advance warnings. And that, class, is a brief astrological analysis of the executed convict, Timothy McVeigh. The one Liz Greene didn't write.

It's not as if we found Liz Greene in the street & thrust McVeigh's chart in her face & recorded the first things that came to her mind. Such would be unfair. Greene chose McVeigh's chart, Greene prepared her notes, Greene presented her materials in what was, to her, a familiar setting: In front of eager students. What she presented on McVeigh's chart, in London, around 10 am on Sunday, July 1, 2001, was literally the very best astrology she could do. Fair to say that not everyone can make a convincing chart synthesis, as I have done (and I admit I am far from the best). But Liz Greene is not everyone. Greene is, by her assertion, one of the better astrologers on the planet at the moment.

So, pressed by panicky students with "that same aspect" in their charts, Greene falls back on vague psychological mumbo-jumbo. It wasn't just this or that common aspect, it was also McVeigh's childhood, it was also poor parenting, it was also genetic, it was also this, it was also that. All rubbish. If it's his childhood, Greene can find the transits & progressions in the chart & show us the dates when the damage occurred. If it's genetic or poor parenting, Greene can present the parents' birth data. Astrology is the most powerful, the most reliable analytical tool on the planet. Liz Greene should learn some of it.

Fair warning: If you bought this book for the astrology & fail to find much of it, do not blame the humble bookseller. If you're not sure if Greene is right, or if Dave is right, do your own research: Get Lois Rodden's Astro Data V: Profiles in Crime, 735 charts of criminals & their friends. Decide for yourself if Greene's outer planet thesis holds.

Two days later: A customer read these notes & asked if I thought this was Greene's worst book. No, I replied, Dark of the Soul was pretty average Greene. I confessed I didn't think Liz Greene was as astrologically incompetent as the book implies. No one with 30+ years in astrology could possibly be that stupid. Greene says lunar aspects to outer planets are dangerous & as that's absurd on the face of it, could she have some other agenda in mind? Let's do some math & see if we can find out:

The moon is said to be in orb of aspect if it is within 8 degrees, applying or separating. This is 16 degrees in all. For sextiles, half that, which is an orb of 4, or a total of 8. There are 1 conjunction, 1 opposition, 2 squares & 2 trines, a total of 6 aspects. Times 16, that's 96 degrees. Add in another 16 degrees for the two sextiles, and we get a total of 112 degrees. The moon moves 360 / 28, or 12.86 degrees a day. 112 / 12.86 is 8 days, 16 hours & 48 minutes. So, for nearly nine days every month - nearly one third of the time - the moon is in aspect to any given planet. A day or two more if you like wide orbs, a day or two less if you go for narrow ones.

Now consider that it's not merely one moon/planet pairing that Greene is talking about, but four: Saturn, Uranus, Neptune & Pluto. I don't have the math in front of me, but it seems obvious that more than half of all people alive have at least one of these aspects in their charts. A goodly number have more than one. (I have three.) Tim McVeigh got an extra one just because of the decade of his birth.

So why is Liz Greene demonizing aspects as common as this? Frankly, we should ask her. I wouldn't want to think she has found a way of terrifying the ignorant for her own self-aggrandizement. Heavens! No genuine Ph.D. would ever do such a thing.

CPA Press, 326 pages.

Contents: Preface by Liz Greene. Part 1: Vocation: Vocation as a calling; Astrological significators; Untraditional significators; Example charts from the group; Part 2: The Moon's nodes: Sun, Moon & Earth; Basic interpretations; Nodal axis by signs & houses; Natal aspects to the nodes; Transits & progressions involving the nodal axis; Nodes in synastry; An example chart: Laura; A guided imaginary exercise; Part 3: Astrology of the Helper: Putting Neptune under Saturn's microscope; Hidden agendas; Group discussion; More hidden agendas; The astrological Chiron; A guided imagery exercise; Virgo & service; An example chart. About the author; About CPA; About CPA Press.

Comment: This book contains three separate seminars. The first starts as a rehash of Charles Luntz's Vocational Guidance by Astrology. First published in 1942, it is currently out of print. Luntz gives Adolf Hitler as an example of a modern, effective & successful executive, a man who had excellent knowledge of & took full advantage of, astrology. This is not easy to stomach. I cannot decide if Luntz was glorifying Hitler, or merely had a good example & didn't want to let go. I tend to favor the first possibility. At the 1991 Sasportas seminar from which the first part of this book was extracted, handouts summarizing the Luntz book were provided. They are not included in the CPA Press edition, a pity, as, aside from his politics, Luntz had an excellent book. The best part of the Sasportas's seminar was built around the handout. When the seminar wandered it turned into to the usual CPA sap: Heroes, wounded healers, personal myths, family issues, fear of owning one's own power, etc. Nothing much to do with getting a job. Sad.

The node section associates the sun with the north node, and the moon with the south node. This is something I have not heard of elsewhere & for which Sasportas offers no explanation. In this section, the principle inspiration came from Tracy Mark's Astrology of Self Discovery, and Martin Schulman's Karmic Astrology volume 1. The discussion of the nodal axis by sign & house is erratic, incomplete, and, as is common, confuses signs with houses. On page 101, Sasportas credits Tracy Marks with [talking] a lot about what she calls the nodal ruler, which is the planet that rules the sign that your North or South node is in. This is nowhere to be found in Tracy's book. Sasportas is perhaps thinking of Mohan Koparkar's excellent Lunar Nodes, which covers this exact topic.

Part 3, The Astrology of the Helper is supposedly about Saturn & Neptune & the weird desire to be an astrological counselor, but it quickly descends into mother as caretaker, mother/child, father/child, mother/father, Moon/Chiron, serve or suffer, saviors or victims, guilt, etc. Eg, more dreck. Donna Cunningham does this better. And without the ramble.

The most interesting part of this book is Sasportas's remarks about the writing of The Twelve Houses. Seems he hated it.

CPA Press, 234 pages.

BARRIERS & BOUNDARIES: The horoscope & the defenses of the personality - Liz Greene, $29.00
Contents: Part 1: The Psychology of Defenses & Their Astrological Significators: Introduction; Psychoanalytic interpretation of defenses (oral, anal, Oedipal & dissociation); Defense mechanisms in the zodiac signs; Planets & planetary aspects as defense systems; An example chart; More example charts & group discussion; Chart sources; Bibliography. Part 2: Saturn & Chiron as Defense Mechanisms: An overview of Saturn & Chiron; Saturn (denial, fake, avoidance, projection, scapegoating, contempt, etc.); Chiron (wounding, bitterness, poison, violence, outlaw, suicide, etc.); Example charts & group discussion; About CPA; About CPA Press.

Comment: I must descend again into the dark world of Liz Greene. In browsing through the book, I came across this, on Oral Defenses: But the sleepy eroticism of a long kiss, like the sleepy eroticism of a delicious bar of creamy chocolate, may be linked with the infant's sleepy eroticism after a really good feed.... Babies are very sensual. Their feelings, as well as their bodies, respond to being touched & stroked. We must differentiate between sexual & erotic feelings. An infant's eroticism is not focused on penetration, nor does it reflect passion or attraction as we experience it between two individual adults. Freud called infants "polymorphous perverse", which means that they respond to a wide variety of pleasurable erotic stimuli as passive recipients, regardless of the identity or nature of the stimulus. (pg. 10) Greene here implies that what is oral is sexual, and vice-versa, not a new idea. That babies are erotic is but one of dozens (or hundreds) of bizarre ideas that Greene has had in her career. For the sake of demonstration, let us demolish this fiction, and, for the sake of brevity, call that a review of this book.

We start with the American Heritage Dictionary, 3rd edition, 1992. In the first column on page 624 is this definition of the word, erotic 1. Of or concerning sexual love & desire; amatory. 2. Tending to arouse sexual desire. 3. Dominated by sexual love or desire. [Greek erotikos, from eros, erot-, sexual love.]

As the dictionary defines it, babies are incapable of erotic sensation. They are asexual. In prenatal classes (which I have attended), parents are cautioned their newborns will sport engorged sexual organs immediately after birth. This is not only surprising, it is often upsetting. Why engorged? Because the newly born babe is full of its adult mother's hormones, sex hormones among them. This I personally saw at the time of my daughter's birth in November, 2000. It faded in less than a week. Why? Because until the child reaches puberty, it makes no such hormones on its own.

The sex organs command their own chakra, the sex chakra. Individual consciousness, as we understand the concept of consciousness, is composed of the interplay of various chakras. Factors determining chakra development - and therefore, consciousness - include overall size, color purity, speed of rotation, etc. These are themselves governed by the hormone/endocrine system. In other words, until sex hormones are produced at puberty, the sex chakra is dormant. Dormant means not conscious & therefore not erotic. That the area in question is highly sensitive to touch, even in infants, is not relevant. Any part of the body can be hypersensitized to touch. That does not automatically make such touch erotic, especially when the ability to determine eroticism does not exist. (It's probably intensely irritating.) This is the reason child molestation by adults is so heinous. Molestation forces energy into an immature sex chakra & badly upsets the balance between it & the various other chakras, often forever. Note the obvious difference when two 8 year olds play doctor & nurse. Their chakras will be more-or-less equal in development, the chances for harm greatly reduced.

The assumption of an erotic life in newborn children is therefore an adult projection. So where does the underlying oral-genital problem come from? From another chakra, of course. The mouth area is governed by the throat chakra. There is a tendency for the throat chakra to form relations with the sex chakra. This is not unique. The solar plexus & heart chakras are easily (and usefully) linked. Operatic voice training - that given to the grand divas particularly - forces a link between the throat & the solar plexus, a link which is otherwise rare. The link from throat to sex organs happens with kissing, but is greatly reinforced via oral sex. The oral-genital theory, like most psychology, is a mere cartoon of reality.

In infants there are no chakra-to-chakra links, even if they are born with a tendency to create them. Links from chakra to chakra must be deliberately created, the process is learned. With heterosexuals the linkage from throat to genitals is rarely that strong, heteros have the usual male-female genitalia as a primary playground. In contrast, homosexual males (in particular) deny themselves this outlet. In compensation, the more promiscuous create strong throat-sex links. Like all strongly linked chakra pairs, intense throat-sex chakra links, over time, change body appearance, usually with the lower jaw. It is for this reason that some claim they know homosexuals on sight. This is not, strictly speaking, true. It applies only to homosexual males who are intensely promiscuous for a prolonged period of time. Starting in the 1980's, gay organizations strenuously denied this fact, even though they use it (and other methods) as a means of identification. This is, by the way, a subject dear to Liz Greene's heart, even if she rarely mentions it: The study of deviancy.

This relates to Greene in this way: As I understand things, Liz Greene is a childless late middle-aged American recluse who lives in central England. In the 1980's & early 1990's, her principal professional colleagues were said to be homosexual males. Greene herself is said to be (or have been) a chain smoker. It is therefore possible that Greene has spent the greater part of her adult life in an intensely oral-genital society. And as a recluse, she would have a lot of what this book is about: Barriers & boundaries, her own personal. In my files I have something alleged to be Liz Greene's natal chart. With that, and a few scant hints at her early life, I can guess at wounding trauma around 1971-2, but that would be sheer speculation. But if I were right, Greene herself would be a most fascinating example of all the things she talks about.

It would have been as easy for me to have demolished almost any other part of this book. It would also have been as easy to have compared her sun-sign writing (she often writes nothing else) from book to book to book. Greene has been harping on much the same things for 30 years now.

CPA Press, 229 pages.

APOLLO'S CHARIOT: The Meaning of the Astrological Sun - Liz Greene, $29.00
Contents: Part 1: The meaning of the natal sun: Introduction; Non-Greek solar deities; Apollo; An example chart; More example charts; When the sun doesn't shine; More solar themes; Part 2: The sun, creativity & vocation: The sun & the creative process; The divine child; The sun at work; Charts from the group; The developing sun; Transits to the natal sun; The sun & vocation; Bibliography; About the Centre for Psychological Astrology

Comment: This book is copyright 2001. This is typical Greene: Pick an astrological object, in this case the sun, find a Grecian mythical character - Apollo - combine & see what happens. In the first few pages, Greene mentions Marduk, Buddha & Mithras (all solar deities), perhaps for good measure. (Left without mention is Jesus Christ - the greatest & most obvious of all solar deities.) But whatever the rationale, there remains little practical connection between solar deities & the astrological sun. I was once asked by Ariel Guttman (author of Mythic Astrology) if there were any ancient texts on mythic astrology, but to my knowledge there are none (Messrs. Schmidt & Hand have yet to prove me wrong). Ancient Greeks, who worshiped Apollo on Sunday & consulted astrologers on Monday, failed to see the connection between them, which should give us pause. When mythic astrology got started back around 1980, there were (aside from Ptolemy's Tetrabiblos) no ancient or even medieval astrological texts in print whatever. Now, thanks to Regulus, Ascella, Hindsight & Arhat, there are rafts of them.

Here is Apollo, aka the Sun, according to Greene (pgs 11-12): God of light; ripener of fruit; god of sudden death; god of healing; god of divination; god of music; founder of cities & colonies; governor of the inner solar system; breaker of family curses; a failure in love & fathering; lover/companion/father to the Muses; killer of the Python/creator of the Pythoness; sharer of Delphi. The remainder of Apollo's Chariot amplifies these ideas & includes many sample charts, as drawn from a two day seminar given in London in November 1998. In Greene's list of astrological solar attributes are characteristics that properly belong to the sun, much that does not, as well as much that is left out. By way of contrast, on pg 70 of Christian Astrology (1647), Lilly gives these solar attributes: Is faithful, keeps promises, desires to rule, is prudent, has good judgment, has great majesty & stateliness, is desirous of honor, speaks with confidence, is affable & tractable, is humane to all people, loves sumptuousness & magnificence, etc.

When it was new - 20 years ago - the concept of mythic astrology revealed much. Judging by this book, it may be wearing thin. All-in-all, this book is interesting, but flawed. CPA Press, 266 pages.

THE HOROSCOPE IN MANIFESTATION: Psychology & Prediction - Liz Greene, $27.00
Contents: PART 1: Complexes & Projection (The psychological model, Complexes in manifestation, The nature of projection, Complexes & chart configurations, Example charts, Bibliography). PART 2: A Psychological Approach to Transits & Progressions (Introduction: The nature of prediction, Levels of expression, Specific transits, Differences between transits & progressions, Example chart 1, Progressed new & full moons, Example chart 2, Example chart 3, Bibliography). About the author, About the Centre for Psychological Astrology, About the CPA Press.

From the back cover: Bridging the gap between psychological & predictive astrology is not easy, and many astrologers feel they must polarize & espouse one while rejecting the other. The seminars in this innovative volume explore the psychological dynamics which accompany concrete events, focusing on the important psychological model of the complex as both a generator of individual behavior & an archetypal image of individual fate. This book offers profound insights into the ways in which inner & outer reality coincide & reflect each other.

Notes as of May 2002: First published in 1997, this is the first CPA Press book to go mass-market. Greene is mellowing over the years, I guess that most of us do. This is the best astrology she's done to date, she includes house dispositors for the first time. Astro-psychology, Greene's & most others', is weak astrology coupled with a discipline (a century old now) that has little proven value. Psychiatry is essentially guesswork. It is based on a rejection of metaphysics, coupled with an underlying atheism. In my work reviewing books for this website, one minute I'm looking at a medieval book in which psychological complaints are discussed & cured, to - the next minute - reading modern texts with all kinds of fancy gibberish but with no trace of understanding or cure. Not only did medieval doctors cure "complexes" (read your Shakespeare, Chaucer, too), so do moderns with the proper training. I have, myself, seen this first hand, I have been so trained myself. Greene wrings her hands over mysteries that are known, have been for centuries, just not to her. (Greene: is clear that complexes possess the power to attract external circumstances in ways we [eg, psychologists] do not understand, pg 91) These misinformed beliefs are common in the psychological community & are the core reasons why they, as a collective, wander from one theory to another, to another. On the one hand, they have the intense, sincere desire to help, on the other, they are stuck with a fundamentally flawed archetype. There is, in brief, the old ways that still work, 20th century psychology that did not. Would you like to see the two, spelled out? Look no further than the diagram on page 124 of this book. On the left, the traditional, verifiable world. On the right, current psychological theory. When you consider the two, remember how many more people have been helped by simple religious worship than by psychologists. Why does one work, the other, not? With the rise of religious fundamentalism, do psychologists have any future but to solve this puzzle? Center for Psychological Astrology (CPA), 266 pages.

THE MARS QUARTET: Four seminars on the astrology of the red planet - Lynn Bell, Darby Costello, Liz Greene, Melanie Reinhart, $29.95
Contents: Foreword. Between Conflict & Desire, by Lynn Bell. Ardour, Desire & Excellence, by Darby Costello. Thugs & Warriors, by Liz Greene. The Best & the Worst of Mars, by Melanie Reinhart. Appendix.

Comment: From the back cover: The four seminars in this volume reveal the many facets of one of the most misunderstood of astrological symbols. In the present world climate, it is particularly important, perhaps even urgent, that we have a better grasp of this most instinctive & fundamental human urge. Named after the Roman god of war, Mars is usually associated with aggression & violence, and in medieval astrology it was perceived as a 'malefic' & the bringer of disaster. But without the energy & motivation of Mars, we become passive victims of life, unable to defend ourselves or stand up for what we believe in. Each seminar explores Mars from a different perspective, emphasizing the importance of working with Mars' qualities consciously & creatively rather than fearing its force & "selfishness". Whether we view Mars at work in individuals or as a force in society, it is essential that we understand & relate to this powerful archetypal energy in a positive way. This book will be a surprise & an eye-opener for all those interested not only in astrology, but also in human psychology & the compulsions which drive individuals & societies to act aggressively toward each other.

My comment: With the passing of Howard Sasportas, Richard Idemon & now Charles Harvey, the Centre for Psychological Astrology seems now to be entirely composed of females. So this book is a female view of Mars, the ultimate male planet. CPA Press, 364 pages.

Contents: Part 1: Fons et Origo (Mythology: Creation, Pursuit of the Millennium, Advent of the Redeemer); Part 2: Hysteria Coninnctionis (Psychology of Neptune: Discovery of the Unconscious, Psychoanalytic Neptune, the Liebestod); Part 3: Anima Mundi (Neptune & the Collective: Esoteric Neptune, Neptune & Glamour, Political Neptune, Neptune & the Artist); Part 4: Ferculum Piscarium (Neptune Cookbook: Neptune in Houses, Neptune in Aspect, Neptune in Synastry & Composite Charts). In 1996, the publisher, Samuel Weiser, did an initial print run of 5000 hardcover copies, after more than a year they had sold only 1500. They presumed the book would sell to astrologers, but in my experience as a bookseller, astrologers have had little interest. Weiser, hardcover, 506 pages.

THE OUTER PLANETS & THEIR CYCLES, The Astrology of the Collective - Liz Greene, $13.95
A series of seven lectures from 1983. Among subjects discussed: Aspects between outer planets & inner personal planets, the corresponding ability to tap collective energies; Transits of outer planets to natal planets; Generational aspects, such as Saturn conjunct Pluto, Saturn conjunct Neptune, Uranus conjunct Pluto, Saturn-Uranus aspects, etc; Charts of people sensitive to collective energies (Marx, Hitler, Jung, Freud); Birth charts of the US, USSR, Iran & Israel. CRCS, paper, 182 pages.

THE ASTROLOGY OF FATE - Liz Greene, $19.95
Why is fate divorced from its sister, karma? In this book, fate is confronted head-on & a broad definition is given: An unfoldment of natural process, not a preordained events. Fate is our relationship to Nature & natural law. With myth, legends & dreams, explore fate, astrological transits & the natal chart. The Zodiac as the mythical journey of the hero, with mythic meanings connected to the individual's fate. Contents: Part 1: Moira (Fate & the feminine, Fate & Pluto, Astrological Pluto, Fate & family, Fate & transformation, Creation of the world); Part 2: Daimon (Fate & Myth, Myth & the zodiac); Part 3: Pronoia (Fate & Synchronicity, Fate & self). Weiser, paper, 370 pages.

THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PERSONALITY - Seminars in Psychological Astrology, vol. 1 - Liz Greene, $22.95
Dynamics of depth psychology at work in the birth chart. In four sections, the process & problems we encounter in the development of individual identity: Stages of Childhood, Parental Marriage, Subpersonalities; & Puer & Senex (the youth & the old man). Explore real life problems that readers can evaluate in their own lives. Contents: Stages of Childhood, by Sasportas; Parental Marriage in the Horoscope, by Greene; Subpersonalities & Psychological Conflicts, by Sasportas; Puer & Senex, by Greene. Weiser, paper, 319 pages.

THE LUMINARIES - The Psychology of the Sun & Moon in the Horoscope (Seminars in Psychological Astrology, vol. 3) - Liz Greene & Howard Sasportas, $19.95
The moon lures us back to the safety of the mother, the sun leads us on the hero's conquest of his own divinity: Two universal, basic, yet different processes. This is another set of lecture transcripts, some by Greene herself, some by Sasportas himself, and some joint Greene/Sasportas lectures. On page 199, in a joint lecture, Howard Sasportas claims my mother wanted to kill me or have sex with me. All because I have a moon-Pluto aspect in my chart (won't tell you which one). My mother, who is still alive as I write this (July 2001, aged 68) is the kindest woman you will ever meet, I was the eldest of 9 children & we are all still very much alive & well. Sometime after I read that, I was contacted by Astrodienst. They are an exclusive Swiss company which sells computerized astrological interpretations written by Liz Greene, authorized by Greene herself. They wanted to know if would be interested in being a dealer. To prove the excellence of their reports, they wanted to present me with my own personal chart interpretation. I politely declined to give them my data, I also declined to dodge the issue by giving them phony data. I suggested they send an interpretation of some famous individual of their choice, they refused, we broke off communication. With the kind of interpretations that Greene & friends specialize in, I will keep my birth data private. We each have that right & I think we should use it more often. Weiser, paper, 243 pages.

THE INNER PLANETS: Building Blocks of Personal Reality, Seminars in Psychological Astrology vol. 4 - Liz Greene & Howard Sasportas, $16.95
Mercury, Venus & Mars are the foundations of the ego, the personal self. Inner planets symbolize important aspects of personality. A unique blend astrology & psychology as archetypes represented by the inner planets. Contents: Tricksters, Thieves & Magicians: The many faces of Mercury in mythology, by Sasportas; Interpreting Mercury in the horoscope, by Sasportas; The Great Harlot: Mythology & Psychology of Venus, by Greene; Law of Desire: An in-depth look at Venus, by Sasportas; Psychology of Erotic Love: A discussion of Venus & sexuality, by Greene; The Warrior & the womanizer: Mythology & psychology of Mars, by Greene; The Henchman of the Sun: Mars in the horoscope, by Sasportas; Venus & Mars in chart interpretation: Discussion with examples, by Greene & Sasportas; Group discussion. Weiser, paper, 332 pages.

RELATING: An Astrological Guide to Living with Others on a Small Planet - Liz Greene, $17.95
Using Jungian analysis, learn how people relate on conscious and unconscious levels, without "normal" or "abnormal" labels. The author is a pioneer in the fusion of astrology & psychology in relationships. For more conscious awareness in relationships. Contents: Language of the unconsciousness; Planetary map of individual potential; Air - Water - Earth - Fire: the psychological types; Beauty & the beast; The inner partner; The sex life of the psyche; Honor thy father & mother, with reservations; The infallible inner clock; Relating in the Aquarian age; Conclusion. Weiser, paper, 294 pages.

NEW INSIGHTS INTO MODERN ASTROLOGY: The Jupiter/Saturn Conference Lectures - Stephen Arroyo & Liz Greene, $14.95
Transcripts of talks given by these two at the Berkeley Conference in 1981. Topics include the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction, dynamics of relationships, light & shadow, chart synthesis, research on person-to-person astrology, key issues in modern astrology & more. Contents: Informal comments on the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction [of 1980], by Arroyo; Chart comparison & the dynamics of relationship, by Greene; The myth of the individual journey, by Greene; Key issues in astrology today, by Arroyo; Person to person astrology: summary of results, by Arroyo; Light & shadow, by Greene; Methods of chart analysis, by Arroyo; Jupiter & Saturn, by Greene. Formerly published as the Jupiter/Saturn Conference Lectures. CRCS, paper, 208 pages.

ASTROLOGY FOR LOVERS - Liz Greene, $18.95
Astrological guide to life, relationships & lovers. Interpret yours & your partner's astrological "signature" & understand the complex patterns that make up your relationships. Recognize the difficulties a choice of partners can pose. Contents: Part 1: Sun signs; Part 2: Table of ascendants; Part 3: Elements of Fire & Earth (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Taurus, Virgo & Capricorn); Part 4: The Elements of Air & Water (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces). Weiser, paper, 357 pages.

See also:

The Mythic Tarot, cards & book set by Juliet Sharman-Burke & Liz Greene. Illustrated by Tricia Newell.

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