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Astrology, Money, Gambling & the Markets, page 2

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FINANCIAL ASTROLOGY - LCdr. David Williams, $50.00

Preface; Introduction.

Part 1: Business Cycle Forecasting:
1. Conventional business cycles: Introduction, business cycle history, 19th century business cycle theories, 20th century business cycle theories;
2. The sunspot Theory of Business Cycles;
3. The Planetary Cause of Sunspots;
4. Terrestrial Effects of Solar Activity: On agriculture & climatology, Terrestrial effects of solar activity in science, Effects of solar activity on telegraph, submarine & telephone lines, Effects of solar activity on radio transmissions, Effects of solar activity on electric power systems (overhead power lines, high voltage underground cable), Effects of solar activity in other fields of technology, Effects of solar activity on health;
5. Planetary Theories of the Business Cycle: Benner's price cycles, Moore's 8 year Venus cycle, McWhirter's north node business cycle, The 56 year pattern in American business activity (1761-1816, 1817-1872, 1873-1928, 1929-1984);
6. The Theory of Unknown Causes: Harmonic analysis, Empirical curve fitting;
7. Conclusion of Part 1

Part 2: Stock Market Forecasting:
8. Art of Prediction: Prediction through dream interpretation, Prognostication from omens, Prognostication from Astrology;
9. The Rationale of Prediction;
10. Rhythmic Stock Market Cycles: The 9.2 year stock market cycle, The 38 to 41 month cycle in stock prices, Combination of cycles in stock market prices, The decennial pattern in stock prices, Cycles - real & synthetic;
11. Planetary Cycles in the Stock Market: The planetary cause of the 9.225-year stock market cycle, Moore's 8-year Venus cycle, The 11-year sunspot cycle, The planetary causes of the 4-4.5 year cycle in market lows, Stock prices and planets in the 10th house;
12. Stock Market Forecasting Systems: The Dow theory, Chartist medications for major market turning points, The McWhirter theory, The Williams solar ingress method, The Williams running total aspect method, Conclusion;
13. Personal investing: Who should invest or speculate; Which stock should be bought, Corporation horoscope analysis, Fairchild Cameral & Instrument Corp., Consolidated Edison Co. of New York, Asarco (formerly American Smelting & Refining Co.), Homestake Mining Company, Conclusion;

14. Epilogue: Review of Parts 1 and 2, Buying on margin, Short-selling, Stock options (puts & calls), Interest rates, Interest rate futures, Kondratieff wave misconceptions, History of silver prices, History of gold prices, Conclusion.

1. Zurich relative sunspot numbers;
2. Systematic period reconnaissance of sunspot numbers 1700-1965;
3. Data for Wood's planet sunspot correlations;
4. Crawford 9-year cycle vs: Cleveland Trust Company index;
5. Hutner composite cycle vs: Cleveland Trust Company index;
6. The 30 stocks used in the Dow-Jones Industrial Average.


Comment: First published in 1982. David Williams, 1897-1993, was a former President of the American Federation of Astrologers (AFA). In Astrological Pioneers of America (1988), James Holden & Robert Hughes wrote, His primary interest in astrology has been the study of cycles and of the relation between astrology & finance. His books discuss the theories of other financial astrologers as well as his own and are gold mines of information on business cycles and market forecasting.

AFA, 242 pages, oversize.



List of illustrations
Introduction, by Alphee Lavoie

1. Theory & application of forecasting of stock market trends
2. Business cycles and stock market trends, 1850-1950
3. How to forecast monthly & daily trends on the New York Stock Exchange
4. How to forecast trends of individual stocks
5. Date & place of incorporation of stocks listed on the New York Stock Exchange (as of 1938, not updated)

Sign rulership of countries

Comment: This book is summarized in Lcdr. Williams's book (above), but here is the whole thing, newly reset & reprinted by the AFA.

AFA, 194 pages.

USING ASTROLOGY TO FIND YOUR LUCK: What works? - Kathleen Powers, $29.99



1. Introduction: Assumptions made, Study parameters, Paradigms examined

2. Aspects & numerology: Lucky numbers, What have we learned?

3. What is luck? What have we learned?

4. Winning the "big one": House placement, Sign placement, Natal aspects of big winners, Planetary pairs, House rulerships, Quadruplicities, Triplities, Dualities, Critical degrees, Regrograde planets, Senstive points, Out of bounds, Essential dignities, Part of Fortune, What have we learned?

5. Natal charts of jackpot winners: House placement, Sign placement, Comparing lottery winners and jackpot winners, Natal aspects of jackpot winners, Planetary pairs, House rulerships, Planetary degrees, Sabian symbols, Decanates, Mars or Venus as the money planet, Gambling problems, The lucky gambler's natal chart signature

6. Lucky events: Triggers of lucky events (transits, progressions, solar arcs, orbs, etc.), Most powerful predictive technique by type, Cardinal astrological rules of gambling, What have we learned?

7. Case studies: Lottery winner, Analyzing the chart of a lottery winner, Natal chart of James Laughlin, The average gambler (including the author's chart), Outer planet, progressions & solar arc transits, More gambling advice

8. Do it yourself: Example 1, Example 2, What have we learned?, Comparing 10 lucky days to 10 unlucky days, Troubleshooting

9. Conclusions: Paradigms revisited, Buying pre-made luck charts

Appendix: Gambling pursuits by house


I don't normally stock books with "luck" in the title, as they are usually poor to horribly poor in quality. I am pleased to say this book is different. The author has carefully studied Ivy Goldstein-Jacobson, Lois Rodden & Joyce Wehrman (among others) and, combined with her own enthusiasm & hard work, brings refreshing new insights to the field of pure speculation.

In the final chapter, in Paradigms Revisited, she does some summing up: Jupiter in 5 is lucky? No. It's Jupiter in 7. Saturn in 5 is unlucky? No, it's the reverse. Applying transits more powerful than separating? Yes. Part of Fortune important? Yes. Should you pay attention to fixed stars? Yes. Are hard aspects important? Yes, but. What's a good trigger? The sun, by various means. What is the money planet? Mars or Venus? Neither! Are Sabians important? No. Are some people "born lucky"? Yes, but using simple astrological techniques & elbow grease, you can increase your odds.

Highly detailed, very explicit, nicely laid out & formatted. The best modern book on gambling. A pleasant surprise.

Newage Enterprises, 153 pages, oversize.

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ASTROLOGICAL MANAGER: A new approach to business, success & destiny - John Alexander, $18.95
Contents: Introduction: Why astrology? (Astrology in business, personality types; astrological management)

1. Managing People: The Signs: Fire signs, earth signs, air signs, water signs.

2. Managing the Company: Corporate Alchemy: The manager as alchemist, The elements of the personality, The company we keep, The elements of management, Setting up the team, Recruiting.

3. Managing Astrology: The Astrological Basics: The horoscope; The signs; The houses; The planets; The aspects.

Some final words.... becoming who we are; Sources for astrological charts; Recommended reading; Index of natal charts; General index.

Comment: How to run a business, hire & fire, etc., using astrology. In chapter 1 (the bulk of the book), for each of the signs, Alexander gives a general overview, then, the sign as leader, the sign as manager, the sign as employee, and a profile of the sign as manager, with subsections on his/her office, company car, business lunch & business ventures. Each sign concludes with half a dozen or so charts & brief bios (for Libra, Anita Roddick, Lee Iacocca, Vladimir Putin, Margaret Thatcher, Mahatma Gandhi, Dwight Eisenhower & Alfred Nobel), chosen for their sun signs. About half have no birth time. (I would have prefered all charts timed & selected based on ascendant.) The writing is light-hearted & often witty. The book is a mere introduction, but an inviting start to further study.

Southwater/Arness Publishing, 264 pages.



The key to speculation story
Chart for the New York Stock Exchange, May 17, 1792, 8:52 am LMT, New York
Chart for the US, July 4, 1776, 12:20 pm LMT, Philadelphia

1. The planets
2. The planetary aspects
3. The planetary signs
4. Panics & crashes
5. Accidents & their effects on the Dow-Jones Industrial Average
6. Death & illness of world leaders
7. Sensitive degrees of the Sun & Moon
8. Year-end rally
9. Dow-Jones predictions
10. Analyzing the corporate chart

1. Birthdates of stocks on the NYSE, arranged by their Sun-signs
2. New & full moons, 2000-2050 3. Planetary data: Mars, Jupiter, Saturn & Uranus ingresses, 2000-2050


The book starts with an overview of astrology as it relates to the New York Stock Exchange. It's not elementary. Before Gillen is finished, he is giving tables of superior conjunctions of Mercury with the Sun and their impact on stock prices, 1897-1968. This is followed by a table of Sun-Mercury inferior conjunctions. Only Mercury and Venus can have superior/inferior conjunctions. A superior conjunction is when the planet is on the far side of the Sun from us. An inferior conjunction is when Venus or Mercury is between us and the Sun. For the other planets there is a great deal of information on periods, including perihelion passages.

Chapter 2, on aspects: Gillen uses every aspect he can get his hands on, some 29 in all, both separating and applying. These are shown as simple diagrams.

Chapter 3, on planetary signs, gives a rather good list of what the signs rule, with a sharp focus on business and commodities. Here is Gemini:

Gemini rules such things as advertising, advertising houses, billboards, publishing, book stores, broadcasting, communications, crystal, private or public education, highways, telegraph, typesetting machinery, telephone industry, weather machinery, quicksilver, office and business machine equipment, pollution control devices, transportation such as trucks and anything connected with fast movement. (pgs. 56-7)
(Note the book appears dated, but is strongly enough written that you may easily put "computers, cellphones, internet" under Gemini and know you are right.)

Chapter 4, Panics and Crashes, is an examination of the Saturn cycle, among others. It will give you a sense of it. Remember the market is playable at all times. (pg. 71).

Chapter 5 is on accidents and disasters. He uses the 1900 Galveston flood as an example. He cites the 12th and 6th houses, and the signs Pisces and Virgo, as indicating unfortunate events, and the progressed Moon as the timer. The next chapter, on the death and illness of world leaders, is similar.

Chapter 7 comprises many examples of sensitive degrees and market reactions to them over the decades. While Gillen does not tabulate these degrees, it would easy, and very useful, to do so.

Chapter 8 is on the famous Year End Rally, which has been a feature at the NYSE for over a century. This book is about the market as it really is.

Chapter 9 is a forecast. It starts in 1979 and continues into the future. This book was published in 2009 and is largely based on earlier work. Of the present day, Gillen says that 2008-2010 will bring unemployment over 10% (true) and many bank failures (also true). He says that real estate, publications (Main Stream Media, MSM) and working conditionswill crumble under this cycle (pg. 106), which in 2011-13 will lead to a repeat of the 1880's. (This is murky, the author gives no explanation.) Saturn in Sagittarius will start a new bull market, but it won't get there until 2015. Let's hope he's right.

Chapter 10 is how to analyze corporate charts, with an eye to buying or selling their stocks. He gives hints on how to rectify stock charts to get the proper ascendant. Also in this chapter, delineations of the 12 houses in a stock chart. The first house being the place of incorporation, the second being earnings, the third being competitors, the fourth being assets, etc. Very good. Practical tips on how to buy stocks.

Appendix 1 is a list of NYSE stock birthdates, arranged by sun sign, with place of incorporation ("birth"), starting with Aquarius, and then alphabetical. There are 60 pages of entries, with about 29 entries per page, or about 1700 entries overall. Dates are given, but no times. The location is always the state of incorporation, but with the exception of New York, companies usually incorporate in the state capital. No, not all of them are in Delaware, though that state is over-represented.

Appendix 2 is new and full moons, 2000-2050, listed by date and degree. Eclipses are not noted.

Appendix 3 are the dates that Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus change signs, 2000-2050, with retrograde periods noted. This is essentially an ephemeris, but is given in text.

Overall, a very good book. My previous remarks were poor, and when I chanced across them recently I realized I had harmed the author and his publisher. My apologies to both.

AFA, 232 pages.

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SUN SIGN SELLING - Jane Bowman Johnson, $15.95
Contents: Introduction; Sales & Astrology; Aries the Ram; Taurus the Bull; Gemini the Twins; Cancer the Crab; Leo the Lion; Virgo the Virgin; Libra the Scales; Scorpio, the Scorpion; Sagittarius the Archer; Capricorn the Goat; Aquarius the Water-bearer; Pisces the Fish; Appendix

Comment: For each sign, there are these subheads: Selling style, Client, Client's buying style. Each chapter includes all possible sign-to-sign pairings, eg, an Aries salesman with a Gemini client, an Aries salesman with a Cancer client, a Scorpio salesman with a Pisces client, etc. This is essentially an extended magazine article, of the sort that Dell Horoscope and American Astrology run from time to time. (Both magazines, I believe, now have different names.) In its limited scope, rather well done. If you know the relevant rising signs, the book will serve still better.

AFA, 166 pages.

ASTROLOGY & MONEY: What's your wealth quotient? - Beverly Flynn, $12.95
Contents: Introduction;

Part 1: Am I going to be rich? 1. The natal chart - the key to wealth; 2. The wealth planets, houses, signs & aspects; 3. Calculating your "wealth quotient"; 4. When will cash arrive?; 5. How to improve a low "wealth quotient".

Part 2: A new look at money: 6. What is money?; 7. Chasing the goal instead of the money; 8. Learning to visualize a higher goal; 9. The Midas touch & other monetary lessons; 10. Recalculating your "wealth quotient"; Sources.

Comment: The first part of the book centers around a 58-step astrological checklist to determine if one will be rich or not. Following that are the "wealth quotients" for: Donald Trump, 475; Barbara Hutton, 650; Bill Gates, 405 (only!?); Martha Stewart, 530; Oprah Winfrey, 590; Elvis Presley, 585; Ted Turner, 710; Ross Perot, 530; Rupert Murdoch, 475; JFK, 690; Queen Elizabeth II, 525. The next chapter (chapter 4) is for those who got a really big score but, like me, have spent most of their lives broke. (My score was 570.) Since the author counts trines, sextiles, squares, conjunctions & oppositions as all the same, methinks her checklist needs tweaking. As much as she anticipates poor people with high scores, Flynn does not give examples of rich people with low scores. Presumably they are rare, or perhaps do not exist.

The second section, entitled, A New Look at Money, gives us eight reasons why we want the stuff: Power, security, love, social status, validation, freedom, for its own sake (the hoarder), and, as a means of expressing goodwill (eg, charitable donations). Flynn then asks us to view these in reverse, for example, that if we first make ourselves powerful, money will then come to us, or that if we do everything in our power to make ourselves secure, then money will follow, etc. To help the process, the next chapter is on visualization. After an introductory list of rules, Flynn goes through the visualization of power, security, love, validation, etc. The theory is that through the successful visualization of power, you will become powerful and then you'll be rich, etc. She finishes with a questionaire on "Recalculating your wealth quotient," in five sections, for a total of 71 questions. This is more properly titled a Visualization-Ability Quotient as it attempts to evaluate, 1. Ability to envision a high-level goal, 2. Ability to interpret the vision or goal, 3. Ability to energize the vision or goal, 4. Ability to stay focussed on the vision or goal, 5. Ability to manifest the vision or goal. Following this are five sample charts, each with total: Gandhi, 480; Eleanor Roosevelt, 490; Martin Luther King Jr., 490; Mother Teresa, 480; Abraham Lincoln, 535. (My score was 620, big deal.) The book ends with Lincoln's chart, there is no postscript. If there was, Flynn might have observed that none of the five were terribly rich (they all thought of money as a tool of goodwill) & that all were overworked.

TLH Publishing Company, 148 pages.

Money, page 1

The Astrology Center of America

207 Victory Lane, Bel Air, MD 21014
Tel: 410-638-7761; Toll-free (orders only): 800-475-2272

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