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The Astrology Center of America, 261 W 35th Street, Suite 902, New York, NY 10001-1902
Tel: 212-868-9220; Fax: 212-868-9221; Toll-free (orders only): 800-475-2272

Computerized Horoscope Interpretations

Here's something fun. Find out about yourself, get a forecast of future trends, find out how you relate to the special people in your life with one of our computerized interpretations.

For all reports, please include date, time and place (city & state) of birth.
For forecasts, indicate starting month.
Prices for our chart interpretations INCLUDE shipping (1st Class) in the U.S.

Astro*Talk Natal Interpretation. Our best natal report. Over 50 pages, all about the individual her- or himself. Detailed analysis of the planets by aspect & by house. Challenges & abilities in life. Life landscapes (major life periods, determined by Saturn). Major transits happening now. Geo/heliocentric chart patterns, elements & their influence, burn rate, explanatory notes at the end. An excellent introduction to astrology. $25.
NEW: Galaxy Guide for the Year! The Life Progression report combined with the transiting outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune & Pluto) from the Transit report. Not a daily guide: A comprehensive annual survey of the major progressed and transiting influences in your life for the year, in two sections, organized differently. Read the entire report first, then note progressed factors in the margin of the transit section. About 25 pages. $25.
Life Progressions Report. This report describes the sort of situation you're in and where it's likely to go. For one person, the report suggested she might paint her house in pastel shades - which she already had. To another, it suggested the possibility of buying a piano - which he had bought a month before. People identify with this report. About 15 pages. $15.
Friends & Lovers Relationship Profile. Find out how you relate to your lover. Each individual's chart is analyzed for their relationship traits - the sort of person they're looking for, their strengths & weaknesses. Then the two are compared & contrasted, for example, John with Mary. How Mary's planets fit in John's chart, the influences John brings to Mary. The result: More than you ever imagined knowing about yourself your partner. Eye opening. About 20 pages. Note: Two complete sets of birth data are required for this report. $15.
Transit Report. A day-by-day guide to your stars. Similar to your daily horoscope in the newspaper, but much more detailed and uniquely for you alone. Sometimes funny, sometimes useless, sometimes essential guide to daily living. 3 months: $15; 6 months: $25; One year: $40

For all reports, please include date, time and place (city & state) of birth.
For forecasts, indicate starting month.
Chart interpretations over $20 INCLUDE shipping (Priority Mail) in the U.S.

The Astrology Center of America

261 W 35th Street, Suite 902, New York, NY 10001-1902
Tel: 212-868-9220; Fax: 212-868-9221; Toll-free (orders only): 800-475-2272

Home Order Info Indexes: Authors Titles Subjects Vedic Tarot Charts E-Mail

Established 1993, The Astrology Center of America is owned & operated by David Roell.
This entire site (AstroAmerica.com) is copyright 1997 by William R. Roell. All rights reserved.